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Association Rules

and Rule Books

Please familiarize yourself with the rules below, which are also printed along with the Show Bill.  These rules allow us to put on the safest, best event that we can, and we appreciate your dedication to helping us maintain that!




1. Show Management reserves the right to split, combine, or cancel classes.
2. Judge’s decisions are final.
3. Open to all breeds, ages and disciplines. Professionals are welcome to enter in Open classes only. AQHA Rule SHW225. AMATEUR ELIGIBILITY
4. Rules & Rule Books: Show will be run in accordance with current Colorado 4-H Rule Book UNLESS listed as a CSHA Rule below; CSHA rules will take precedence. Halter (NOT including Showmanship), English Pleasure (Hunter Under Saddle), Western Pleasure, and In-Hand Trail will be judged by current AQHA Rules. AQHA Rule Books will be made available for purchase at the show office, and exhibitors are encouraged to download the AQHA Rule Book app. Colorado 4-H Rule Books will also be available for purchase at the show office.
5. Apparel:
  For English  classes: boots, pants, long-sleeved shirt OR hunt coat at Judge’s discretion, and hunt cap at minimum are required. For Western classes: boots, pants, long-sleeved shirt, and Western hat OR helmet at minimum are required.  Please refer to the rule books for class/discipline specific attire requirements.

6.   Stallions may not be shown by any person under the age of 18 years.

7. Leadline: Participants pay $5 per entry (No Office Fee required), and must be 7 years of age or under.
8. In-Hand Trail: Each Horse/Rider combination cannot cross-enter into any under-saddle Trail classes on the same day.
9. Walk/Trot Classes: Based on riders or horses who are uncomfortable with cantering/loping. Each Horse/Rider combination cannot cross-enter into any cantering/loping classes on the same day, however, they may enter NON-point earning classes for learning and growth opportunities. If a Horse/Rider combination has previously competed for POINTS in cantering/loping classes, they do not qualify for Walk/Trot classes. **Walk-Trot riders are eligible to ride any age horse with a snaffle bit in English and Western.


Rule Book Resources

Rule Books for sale in the Show Office

10. English Show Hack: All collected gaits will travel one direction around the arena, and all extended gaits will travel the other direction. It is not required to show all 9 gaits in both directions.
11. Novice Classes: Based on the rider, and is anyone who is green at showing. If a Year-End Championship or Reserve Championship award has been won, riders do not qualify for Novice classes. Riders may cross-enter into age division and Open classes.
12. Open Classes are open to all exhibitors, including youth, adults and professionals.
13. RANCH RIDING Tack and attire requirements will be lenient to exhibitors. Acceptable appointments for
CSHA include silver on saddles, embellished show clothing, tail enhancements and banded/braided manes. For further clarification, please ask board member, show management or show secretary.
14. Class Awards: Each class will be awarded 1st – 6th place ribbons.
15. Daily High Point Awards: CSHA Membership is not required for Daily Awards. Daily Awards include English and Western High Point, Reserve High Point, and 3rd Place in Novice, 13 & Under, 14-18, 19 & Over, and Open Divisions. Walk-Trot 18 & Under and Walk-Trot 19 & Over High Point and Reserve High Point will be total points accrued for the day in both English and Western classes. Halter does not count towards Daily HighPoints.

16. Year-End High Point Awards: Paid CSHA Membership is required by the end of the first qualifying
day before points begin to accrue. Each Horse/Rider combination must have shown in at least 3 shows to
qualify. 1st – 5th place Year-End awards will be given in Walk-Trot 18 & Under, Walk-Trot 19 & Over, Novice,
13 & Under, 14-18, 19 & Over, Open, Halter Mares, and Halter Geldings. CSHA reserves the right to split out
age divisions for riders and/or horses for Year-End Awards.
17. Ties: For Daily High Point and Reserve High Point, ties will be broken first by Showmanship and second by
Equitation/Horsemanship. Third Place allows for multiple recipients.

18. Loss of a back number to be reported immediately to the office. Failure to do so will result in loss of points.

Which classes follow which rule books?

No strollers or loose dogs allowed for the safety of those riding.


Indiana Equestrian Center

7500 Indiana Street

Arvada, CO 80007

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